How to Order
Ordering at Jodhpur Tailors is very easy our customisation panel is in itself self explainatory.The page gives you near accurate visulisation that how the garment will look with different sort of customisations applied by the user. You can try out your ideas and customise your garment according to your choice:
For placing your order:
You need to register on site in order to place order.
After registeration you need to create your profile
The next step will be adding your measurement in my measurement section: to help you with that we have have the option of view guide and contact your local tailor. You also need to upload a picture of your back in your "My Measurement" section.
Now after performing the aforesaid steps you can start customizing your product. Once order is placed, the complete information related to the product will be displayed in your account page. If you opt for "Send Your Best Fit" you can bypass the measuremnt section by clicking on the option and then pay for the order. The orders that you placed will reflect in the "My Orders" section of you account.